12 hoopa coloring page
hoopa coloring page
Jul 23, 2016 · Hoopa Pokemon coloring page from Generation VI Pokemon category. Select from 62826 printable crafts of cartoons, nature, animals, Bible and many more. Hoopa … 0
Jul 23, 2016 · Hoopa Unbound coloring page from Generation VI Pokemon category. Select from 63305 printable crafts of cartoons, nature, animals, Bible and many more. Hoopa … 1
Hoopa Unbound coloring page | Free Printable Coloring Pages 2
Hoopa Coloring Pages. You can download free printable Hoopa coloring pages at Coloringonly.com. We have chosen the best Hoopa coloring pages which you can download … 3
Free printable Pokemon Hoopa coloring pages. Select one of 1000 printable coloring pages of the category Pokemon. 4
Hoopa Pokemon coloring page | Free Printable Coloring Pages 5
7 Images of Hoopa Pokemon Coloring Pages - Hoopa Pokemon Coloring | Pokemon coloring pages 6
Hoopa Unbound coloring page | Free Printable Coloring Pages. Hoopa Unbound coloring page from Generation VI Pokemon category. Select from 65041 printable crafts of cartoons, … 7
Free printable Hoopa Pokemon coloring page for kids to download, Pokemon coloring pages 8
Descarga e imprime gratis las páginas para colorear de Hoopa Unbound. Los dibujos para colorear dibujos animados son una forma divertida para niños y adultos de desarrollar la … 9
Hoopa from Pokemon Coloring Pages - XColorings.com 10
Hoopa Unbound Pokemon Coloring Pages Alternate Form - XColorings.com 11
Important Ideas 54+ Hoopa Pokemon Coloring Page 12
Coloriage 720 Hoopa dechaine unbound pokemon forme alternative - JeColorie.com 13
Hoopa Unbound Coloring - Play Free Coloring Game Online 14
Pokemon Coloring Pages Hoopa - Free Printable Coloring Pages 15
Hoopa Pokemon Mega Coloring Page Sketch Coloring Page 16
Coloring page Pokemon Hoopa Unbound - Supercolored.com 17
Hoopa Pokemon Coloring Pages | Pokemon coloring pages, Pokemon coloring, Coloring pages 18
Kleurplaat van Hoopa | Pokémon desenho, Pokemon, Desenho 19
How to Draw Hoopa From Pokemon, Step by Step, Pokemon Characters, Anime, Draw Japanese Anime 20
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what's up everyone and welcome to the, club in today's video we're drawing, hoopa unbound from pokemon, let's begin in the center of our page, with the bottom edge of the mouth we, start all the way over on the left side, we'll draw a curve that comes down the, middle, and we'll bend that back up on the right, and then from the end we're going to, step in draw a straight line going up, toward the top of the fang, it'll curve this out and then down, towards the corners of the mouth, let's add some smaller teeth along the, bottom starting right in the middle, angle up and out towards the left, and right, come back down towards the bottom, let's add a couple more on either side, now we're going to draw the top edge of, the mouth starting from the inside edge, of the fang, in, and then down towards the middle, bend this up, and out, and then we'll draw the top row of teeth, in between the lower bangs we'll step, over come down, up, and add a couple more on either side, now i'm going to add that detail in the, center of the head from that center, point let's step over toward the left, curve up, and then out, go to the right, and do the same thing, i want to add a point come down and in, with a short line, and go back up and out, and then from the top i'm just going to, curve this in and then down towards the, middle, let's move out to the side and draw on, the eyes starting on the left, and go up and out, and then we round out the side of the, eye going out and then down towards the, top of the mouth, now i'm going to layer two half circles, underneath the eyelid and start from the, inside, come down, and bend that up, we'll add a smaller half circle in the, center and fill that in black, let's go to the center of the forehead, and draw on a circle, draw a smaller circle in the center and, fill that in black, now you want to add that trim along the, inside of the head start from the top of, that circle step up start with a point, come down and out toward the left and, right side, now i'm going to curve the side of the, head going out, and then down, let's add another point going straight, out, and pull that down and into the tip of, the fangs, now we draw the outside of the head from, this point we're going to step out draw, a half circle going up in the, middle and round up the head, come out and then down towards the right, and then from the ends draw a straight, angle line coming down and out, from the base of the head we're going to, curve in and then down towards the, center point let's start with the left, [Music], and then bend that down, let's move out to the side of the head, and draw those large horns we'll start, with the rings start from the top, come around, down and then back in, let's line this up on the right going, out, down, and then in, let's lay our second ring in behind from, the top, go around, and tuck that in along the bottom, and we'll go back up and draw the top, edge of the horn starting on the left, go out, and we'll bend that up, just line this up on the right coming, out, and then up, and now we're going to tape the horn, coming back in towards the bottom of the, ring, down, and then, let's go halfway along the horn and draw, another ring, out and then down, step down and draw that twice, just line this up on the right, let's add that pattern along the base of, the horn start from the top of the ring, and down and in, pull up and out, add one more point come down in, and pull that out towards the side of, the horn, let's place another ring on top of the, head starting back on the left, go up in the middle, and then that back down on the right, and now we'll draw on the head piece, let's start back over on the left side, turn this out, and then up, line this up on the right, let's add a point, come in and then down with a short line, and work our way up towards the top, going out and then up, now continue to add these points in, towards the center of the head, and then down, go up, and then in, again just pull this in, and then down, we'll add one larger point in the center, going up and in towards the middle, go out and then down on the right, let's add the tip of the hair piece in, behind from that center point we're, going to step up, at a point, and from here i'm just going to curl, this down and out towards the left, and we'll tuck this in going around, and then down in behind, let's go back up to the top, bend this out, and then down, let's go all the way back up to the top, step down draw a short angle line going, up it's going to curve this out towards, the right, and then tuck that in, now we move down draw a large circle in, the center of the body tucked in behind, that point so step up on the left side, go all the way around, and down towards the bottom of that, circle, work our way up along the right side, and tuck that back, in, let's trace that circle on the inside, stepping down, and even space gap all the way around, and back up on the right, now enjoy the large shoulder pieces, around that circle let's start from the, top corner of the head, down and then in towards the side of, that center circle, and we'll go back up to the top and, round out the shoulder going out down, and then in, and then we'll connect the outside of, the shoulder to the inside with a curve, down, and then up, let's add in the second set start from, the outside corner come down, and then in, and it will go back and round out the, side of the shoulder going on the, outside go out, and pull that back in, let's pull this back up towards that, inside point, and then up, let's do that one more time from the, bottom corner we'll step up, come in, and we'll go back to that bottom corner, round out the shoulder, and pull that in, now we're going to close off the inside, from the bottom, and then up towards the top, let's go back up and draw the top edge, of the chest from this point, up, and then out, we're also going to add a small detail, in between the shoulders let's start, from the bottom, in, let's take that and flip it over on the, right, and down and out, and down, add another one on either side, let's add that ring across the waist, starting from the left side goes down, and up, let's step up on the side and draw that, again, let's go to the center of the ring go, straight up then out towards the left, underneath that center ring, go up and out towards the right, let's add that fur across the base of, the hip leaving a gap in the center go, to the left side draw a straight line, coming down, close to the right, and do the same thing, and then from the bottom, out and then up towards the side, i'm going to work our way out towards, the side of the body let's go back to, the left come down and then out, keeping that back up towards the top, and then one last time, out towards the side, and we'll tuck that up underneath the, bottom shoulder, now i'm going to add that spike in the, center of the body from this point, come down, and bend that in towards the middle, go up to the top right and down, and then in towards the center, now let's tuck the legs in underneath, for this outside point i'm going to step, in curl the thigh going out, and then down towards the knee, and then from the knee curl the leg, coming in, and then just bending that up on the, inside let's line this up on the right, coming down, and then, out, let's go halfway along the inside leg, draw a straight angle line coming down, and in towards the heel, and it will round out the bottom of the, feet come down, and then out, let's go back up to the knee draw a, short angle line coming down and in, and we'll close off the outside of the, foot straight down and bend that in, towards the tip of the foot, let's add some detail to the legs we'll, start from the very top all the same, curved legs going down, and go down in with a straight line, and down and out towards the bottom of, the leg, let's add a ring underneath the knee, starting on the left side step down, all that same curve coming back up, toward the inside of the leg, let's add in that toe cap start the, outside of the foot, in, and then down, let's go back to the outside of the foot, draw a straight angle line coming up, and down, let's move back up and add a ring on the, outside of that center shoulder starting, from the top, out, and then bend that back in, and we'll add in a point from the center, step out start with a point, go up and in go back to the outside come, down and in, now we're going to move back up and draw, the first set of arms let's start on the, left side curve the thumb coming down, and then out, and i'll just taper that back in, and then up, and leave the gap along the top, up, and then down towards the first claw, up, and then back down, let's layer our second claw in behind, start from the outside, out, and then down, up, and in, and we'll close off the inside of the, hand and down and in behind the thumb, now we're going to draw on the forearm, start from the inside of the thumb, down and in towards the body, go to the top, come in and bend that down, and i'll close off the inside with a, curve, let's separate the tip of each claw, done with the thumb, first finger, and the back finger, now you draw the inside edge of the ring, starting from the bottom step up just, trace this across or to the top, then we'll add another ring across the, wrist starting from the inside, come in, back up, step down and go twice, now you want to take this arm and flip, it over on the right let's start with, the inside of the thumb over on the, right side starting here come down and, out, keeping that back in, and then up, let's go back to the top of the thumb, step up for the first clock going up, and then down, pull this up, and then down towards the back of the, hand, let's add the second claw from the, outside come out and then down, pull it up, and in, and then round out the inside of the, hand going down and in behind the thumb, let's go to the top of the wrist curl, the arm coming in, and down, and then from the inside of the thumb, down and in and it'll close off the, inside, let's separate the tip of each cloth, and then we'll go back and add the rings, starting with the inside, go to the bottom of the thumb, and then up, and draw that twice, let's add two more arms on the left side, let's start up here for the thumb coming, down and then out, up, and then in, and we'll draw on the first claw, out, and down, now the second claw will get tucked in, behind let's start from the side going, up, and then in towards the wrist, now pull the forearm coming back in, towards the body, up, in, and from the thumb which step down, in, connect the top and bottom of the curve, let's separate out the cloth, and we'll go back and add the top ring, stepping out, on the same curve, and then from the bottom of the wrist, come around, out, step up, and draw that twice, let's draw that exact same arm down, below and start with the inside of the, thumb, come down out, and taper that back up, let's add the first claw, down, and pulling that back in, let's go to the side of that finger go, out, and then back in towards the wrist, i'm going to draw the top of the forearm, going up, and then in, let's go back down towards the inside of, the thumb turn the forearm come in, up, and we'll close off the inside, let's separate the claws, and then again we'll add those two rings, starting from the inside, go to the bottom of the wrist go around, and out, step up, now we want to take that exact same hand, and flip it over on the right so start, with the inside edge of the thumb, come down, out, taper that back up, and it'll draw the first finger, out, and down, back up towards the hand, let's add the second finger from the, side point out, and in towards the wrist, and it'll draw on the top of the forearm, up, and in towards the body, let's move to the inside edge of the, thumb come in, and up, and we'll close off the inside with a, curve, let's separate the claws, and then again we'll add those two rings, starting with the inside, go to the bottom of the wrist go around, the hand and out, and draw that twice, and now we're going to draw the tail, coming out from the right side let's, start from the side of the body go out, and up around that point, bend the tail going back out towards the, right, let's add a point come in, and then down, draw a straight angle line coming up and, in towards the top of the tail, now the tail is going to get wider as, you come back in towards the body, starting from this point step up, around, goes down in behind the hand and just, close this off along the inside, let's add that trim along the top, starting up here and down, and in towards the side of the body and, that's pretty much it there's hoopa, unbound from pokemon i hope you enjoyed, today's lesson make sure you subscribe, and send me your requests in the, comments below thanks for watching and, we'll see you again soon, [Music]
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Reddit Images 77

Finally caught myself a Hoopa Unbound from an elite raid 👏 (don't mind the color, it's Galarian) 0

252+ Atk Snom Skitter Smack vs. 32 HP / 0 Def Hoopa-Unbound: 102.2 - 121.6% -- guaranteed OHKO (Colorized) 1

LF: Deoxys, Meloetta Hoopa (and Unbound) and Magearna, I offer these different colored dudes (Zarude and Volcanion aren’t shiny tho). 2

252+ Atk Snom Skitter Smack vs. 32 HP / 0 Def Hoopa-Unbound: 102.2 - 121.6% -- guaranteed OHKO (Colorized) 3

Just finished another page of the coloring book. Page 6… I believe 4

page coloring for ch 171. 5

Konomi coloring by @Shazayumart (chapter 93 cover page) 6
![[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/VFVEf9PU99KuWqs0aJmoig5ZLlmEurIH9KVdH7n-PIY.jpg)
[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book 7
![[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/UpND8E4BNg1WhQTCR-abwBBWY92st_o_Fk8WDcz91bk.jpg)
[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts! 8

First page of the coloring book done! Any thoughts? 9

Randomly coloring one page of my coloring book 10

{Artwork} Finally finished working on the coloring of this mask-less Spider-Gwen. It's about 98% pencils, with 2% of it in gel pen. It's a page from Marvel's WOMEN OF POWER coloring book, w/original art by Emanuela Lupacchino from Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #6 (Cover B Variant). 11

My coloring of the cover page for Ch. 159 12

This took SO many hours and it isn't even technically the first page... Maybe I should have picked something easier for my first time trying adult coloring, but I've always been ambitious. 13

Colored a page in my Horror Coloring Book (with colored pencils)! Available on Amazon + 5 Free Downloadable Coloring Pages 💀 See links in comments, thank you! 14

I colored an Empires-themed page from the latest Hermits and Friends Coloring Book 15
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