54 horton coloring page

horton coloring page

Horton Hears a who Coloring Pages

Download and print free Horton coloring pages. Dr. Seuss coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages, adults to … 0

Horton Hears a who Coloring Pages

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hey our friends we're going to draw, another character from dr seuss which, one are we drawing this time horton yeah, horton the elephant from horn here yes, we hope you got a marker you got some, paper and you're going to follow along, with us we're going to first draw, horton's eyes and we're going to draw, them up here towards the top and to the, right and we're going to draw two ovals, and we're going to draw them we don't, want to draw them too big, about this size right next to each other, now inside of these ovals we're going to, draw his pupil and we're just going to, draw it's a u-shape so it looks like, there's a light reflection in his pupil, does that make sense a little white spot, in his, and his eye so it looks shiny and we're, drawing them to the right because he's, going to hold the little clover where, the hooves are, put the marker in your ear that's going, to hurt, now let's draw his eyelids we're going, to draw one curve that comes over the, top left of this eye, and we're going to do it on the on the, other eye also, now down here on this one let's draw, another, line that curves underneath his eye, cool now let's draw his eyebrows and, we're going to draw a zigzag line we're, going to start right here we're going to, draw a really short zigzag line and it's, going to come around his, around his eye, top of his eye good now let's do the, same thing on the other side, little zigzag, curves, hairy eyebrows good job now let's also, draw some wrinkles on top of his eye, we're going to draw one curve that goes, over this eye, and we're going to draw another one on, top of that one, so he's got wrinkles wrinkly eyebrows, wrinkly eyebrows and then he's going to, draw we're going to draw another wrinkle, over the left eye, and then we're going to draw one more on, top but it's going to connect to this, one we're going to draw it connects like, that, and that's for the top of his head, now on the top of his head we're going, to draw his hair and it's really messy, so we're going to draw, a line that comes out and back in like, this looks like a, yeah, a leaf or a raindrop, kind of looks like a water fountain, we're going to draw another one that's, bigger, i'm going to draw a couple more right, next to it now if we ever go too fast, what can our art friends do pause the, video yeah you guys can always pause the, video, if you need extra time to finish the, step now we're gonna draw his trunk and, it's gonna curve down and back up where, his ear is so we're going to start here, and we're going to draw a big, u-shape, that comes back up smiley face and we're, going to stop right below his eyes see, how the top of this line lines up with, the bottom of his eye, yeah, good now we're going to draw the rest of, his trunk we're going to draw another, line that curves right here, and up, and we're going to get closer, to the line up here, yeah just like that so we're further, away down here and closer up here now, let's draw his smile we're going to draw, it coming out of his, from under his trunk, and then we could draw a cheek line, and then let's draw the bottom of his, head we're going to draw a curve that, comes up and then curves down, before it connects into his trunk now, this is where it turns into his ear but, we're going to come back and finish his, ear later let's finish the end of his, trunk where he's holding that clover so, right here we're going to draw a curve, that connects, the two, lines, yeah and then right here we're going to, draw another curve that comes, around, and then stops, now this is a little tricky but this, line right here is going to curve around, and then connect back in, so he's holding on to the clover with, the end of his trunk now right here we, can draw a little, curl at the very end too, there we go now we can draw the clover, coming out of his trunk we draw a little, curvy line, and then we're going to draw, a little dash line that goes around and, makes a circle, does that look like the fuzzy little, clover yeah, next let's finish his ear we're going to, draw a big crazy line it's going to come, up, like this really high, and then it's going to come back down, and out, is that tricky yeah, now we're gonna draw the bottom of his, ear we're gonna draw it looks like wings, actually we're gonna draw one little, feather, then we're gonna draw another small, feather, and then an even smaller feather and, connect it into it they're not really, feathers yeah it's just the end of his, ear, it looks like wings though huh yeah, now we can draw the inside of his ear, too we draw a little curve it's going to, be next to the clover, then we're going to draw the inside that, comes up and it's going to follow, that crazy line we drew for his ear, and then it's not going to come as far, down, perfect now let's draw his other ear, we're going to do the same thing we're, going to draw a crazy line that comes up, and then back down and out, yeah all right now we're going to repeat, the same step we did over here and we're, going to draw bumps for the bottom of, his ear one, two, and then i'm getting smaller too, see how the bumps are getting a little, smaller, and then i'm going to draw one last one, that's really small on the end, now let's draw the inside of his ear, just like we did over here we're going, to draw, a line that matches the outside of his, ear, but it doesn't come all the way down, good now we could draw his body we're, first going to draw his back and we're, going to draw a big curve that comes out, of his ear and curve down, like this, good now we could draw the front and, we're going to draw right here next to, us his face we're going to draw, his chest, and i'm going to draw it a little bit, longer, now we're going to draw his front leg, we're going to draw a curve comes in, and then, out, now let's draw the back of his front leg, we're gonna draw and it's bent, so we're just drawing a curved line like, that, now let's draw the top of his foot we're, gonna draw a curve, looks like a sideways j, yeah and then we're going to curve back, for the bottom of his foot, and then draw his heel and connect up, perfect now on his foot let's draw two, toes they're going to be upside down u's, all right now we could draw his other, front foot so he looks 3d we're going to, draw another curve that comes down and, bends, and then we're going to draw that this, same line for his foot, and then curve it into, and connect, yeah to his other foot good job let's, draw one toe on that foot upside down u, all right now let's draw his back foot, we're going to draw a curve that comes, in like this and then back, looks like a sideways v yeah and we're, leaving a little gap right here for his, tail so this line gets real it can get, really close to his back line, okay now let's draw the front of his, back leg it's gonna curve just like we, did here but going the other direction, and then let's draw the top of his foot, we're repeating a lot of the same steps, aren't we yeah, and then let's curve this down for the, bottom of his foot, and then connect it in for his heel what, are we missing on this back foot, toes let's draw two, upside down u's just like we did on the, front foot, all right now right here we're going to, draw his belly, so we draw a little curve in between his, legs and then we're also going to draw, his back leg inside of there the fourth, leg, so we draw a little curve that matches, the front of his other, leg and we'll draw, his foot and then connect it in, now if your legs are closer together and, you don't have room for that you could, just leave that off if you want let's, draw another toe in there, good job dude, now what are we missing the tail yeah, we're missing his tail this is a fun, part we're going to draw an s line we're, going to come out of his back, curve one way and then back the other, way, all right now let's draw the same curve, going back into his leg, underneath it yes, and then right at the end it's kind of, hairy, he's got some hair on the end of his, tail so we can draw some curved lines, coming out all right dude we did it, we've finished drawing horton you did, awesome except we still need to add a, little bit of shading to make them look, more 3d and i love the way dr sue shaded, his characters now if you guys want at, home you can leave this part off to keep, the lesson a little easier, and fast forward to where we color it, but let's add that shading so it looks, even cooler okay so right under his ears, we're gonna add, some lines and this part we may go a, little fast so you can remember you can, always pause the video, now i'm also going to add some lines up, here inside of his ear and i'm going to, add some lines on this side too coming, down, good, now let's also add some wrinkles right, under his chin i added three little, wrinkles, and then on his trunk we got to add, wrinkles there too so i'm going to add a, curve and i'm going to space him out, kind of far, and as we go up his trunk see how i'm, turning, yeah, good and then i'm also going to add the, little lines going across the curl in, his trunk, yeah good job, now let's add some shading on his back, behind his ear, i'm going to add lines and they start, out long, and as i go down i'm going to get, smaller, now we could do that same thing right, here on the back of his leg, get smaller so i started long and then, got smaller, and then let's add wrinkles on his legs, i'm gonna add three little wrinkles, on the back, and then i'm gonna add three wrinkles on, the front, i'm gonna add these wrinkles over here, too on his other leg, okay and then we can add wrinkles in his, armpit, and then over here too, on his back leg, okay now we still need to color him he's, gonna look so much better once we color, them yeah now this part we're going to, fast forward but you guys can pause it, at the end to match the same color, [Music], jack good job man you did awesome on, coloring horton that's a lot of blue, yeah now if you guys want at home you, could pause the video to match the same, color but it's pretty easy it's just, blue and then pink for the little clover, yeah now you could also color him gray, because in the animated yeah in the, movie he's gray i think in the books, though he's blue, we hope you had a lot of fun following, along with us and drawing horton now, it's okay if their drawings look, different than ours right yeah because, what's the most important thing have fun, yes to have fun and to practice practice, remember to practice and we'll see you, later our friends goodbye if you had fun, following along in this lesson be sure, to subscribe to our youtube channel by, clicking the circle then you can click, the bell to get notified every time we, upload new videos i've also picked out, these two other lessons i thought you'd, really enjoy don't forget to take a, photo of your child's finished artwork, and share it on facebook instagram and, twitter because we want to see how, awesome it turned out

Reddit Images 12

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working.

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working. 0

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working.

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working. 1

Just finished another page of the coloring book. Page 6… I believe

Just finished another page of the coloring book. Page 6… I believe 2

page coloring for ch 171.

page coloring for ch 171. 3

Part 11 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) Arlong Park 001 11x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime

Part 11 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) Arlong Park 001 11x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime 4

Konomi coloring by @Shazayumart (chapter 93 cover page)

Konomi coloring by @Shazayumart (chapter 93 cover page) 5

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working.

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working. 6

DOOOM!!! Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working.

DOOOM!!! Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working. 7

[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book

[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book 8

[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts!

[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts! 9

Part 6 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) SYRUP VILLAGE 002 11x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime

Part 6 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) SYRUP VILLAGE 002 11x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime 10

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working.

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working. 11

Part 7-10 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) BARATIE 001-4 44x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime

Part 7-10 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) BARATIE 001-4 44x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime 12

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working.

Racist ‘Willie Horton’-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working. 13

Racist 'Willie Horton'-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GQP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GQP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working.

Racist 'Willie Horton'-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GQP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GQP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working. 14

Racist ?Willie Horton?-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working.

Racist ?Willie Horton?-style fearmongering on crime may win midterms for GOP. Devoid of actual ideas, the GOP has ripped a racist page from a 1980s playbook to scare voters around crime. The polls suggest it's working. 15

Part 7 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) BARATIE 001 11x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime

Part 7 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) BARATIE 001 11x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime 16

Randomly coloring one page of my coloring book

Randomly coloring one page of my coloring book 17

First page of the coloring book done! Any thoughts?

First page of the coloring book done! Any thoughts? 18

Part 7-10 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) BARATIE 001-4 44x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime

Part 7-10 of my One Piece Challenge: Drawing every encounter in the show in poster form (using non expensive drawing materials and mostly the anime for reference) BARATIE 001-4 44x17 (Pencil, Pen, Ink, Alcohol Marker, and Color Pencil on Bristol Paper). INSTA & TIK TOK: HortonDrawsAnime 19



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